School Correspondence
End of Year Letter, by the Principal, Dr. E. Greene, 18 May 2018
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
As we approach the end of another successful school year, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support, on behalf of myself and the staff of St. Mary’s. The last week alone has been action packed with events, inter-cultural days, picnics and plays. I hope this letter gives you just a flavour of all that is happening. On Monday the 14th May our school picnic to mark the 50th Anniversary of the school and in celebration of the World Meeting of Families, saw us come together as a community past and present to have lunch and indulge in ice-creams. Many thanks, to Sr. Marie Therese Porter for all her work on organising and coordinating the day.
The 50th Anniversary was also marked with a tree planting ceremony by our Green School Committee under the guidance of Mr. Ciaran Roe. St. Laurence’s National school joined us for the event and we hope our tree has many years of growth in St. Mary’s.
Tuesday the 14th was Sports Day for First, Second and Fifth Years, co-ordinated by Mr. Robert Fennell, Mr. Declan Burke and all the staff involved in sport in St.Mary’s, the day was fantastic. We were very appreciative of the support of Ms. Clare Finnerty, Principal of St. Laurence’s National School who once again allowed us to use their grounds. It was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm of the students and their pride in enjoying victory over the staff in the tug of war.
On Tuesday we were also delighted to invite our local national schools to the Matinee of our Transition Year play together with 3rd class of St. Laurence’s in ‘Legally Blonde Jr. ’It was a pleasure to showcase the talent, dedication and commitment of our Transition Years student to the lively and encouraging audiences that supported them each night. Indeed, the show performances continued on the nights of the 16th, 17th and tonight 18th May. Sincere thanks to Fingal County Council for their continued support in sponsoring the show.
The Parents’ Association has been working diligently fundraising, through bad packing with Transition Years and organised a bumper raffle at the play. We are very grateful for all their efforts on behalf of the girls. The production once again this year is of the highest standard and we are very thankful to Jimmy and Carol O’Byrne and most especially to Ms. Lynda Byrne, Ms. Katie Byrne, Ms. Anita Riordan for all their work for the show. I am extremely grateful to all the staff for their support of the play and the work that has been done particularly by Mr. Moore in promoting the show and the many students, particularly some of our Fifth Years, who helped him.
Continuing our work with the local community, the Transition Logon and Learn programme has been very successful this year and we hope that you can spread the word that we would be very happy to have new recruits next year.
The students of St. Mary’s are always a credit to their parents and guardians, but in the past week alone the girls have out done themselves. They have been so respectful, gracious and appreciative of the work, effort and commitment by staff on their behalf. It is particularly heartening that a number of past teachers of the school commented on how exemplary the girls of St. Mary’s are to this day. I know that we are particularly proud of the girls and have on many occasions throughout the year been complemented on their attitude, kindness and behaviour. It is wonderful to get the opportunity to share this with you.
The students are also a credit to the hard work, commitment and dedication of the staff of St. Mary’s. After years of dedicated service to the students, parents and community of St. Mary’s, both Ms. Duffy and Ms. Keane are now looking forward to their well-deserved retirement. The wisdom, knowledge, compassion and unwavering belief in their students will most certainly be missed. The staff will feel the loss of their support and invaluable mentoring over the years. I know that the parents’ of St. Mary’s will join us in thanking them and wishing them both the very best as they embark on the next chapter of their life with family and friends.
In the spirit of farewell, we would like to thank our outstanding Head Girl Aoife Rose Byrne and Deputy Head Girl Áine Ryan. Together with the Senior Prefects of 2018 they were exemplary representatives of the school and student body. Congratulations to Megan O’Dare and Charlotte Smith who have been appointed Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, respectively for the new academic year. We wish them and our new Senior Prefects: Rachel Campbell, Shannon Conroy, Jessica Coyne, Evie Hogan, Shauna McAney, Ruby Smith, Áine Yeates, Weam Alias, Lauren Buckley, Katelyn Dalton, Lauren Emery and Khristine Marcelo the very best of luck.
The summer examinations are very important in the assessment of student progress and we would like to emphasise the importance to you that students sit the exams and that they are punctual and in correct uniform throughout. It is the aim of the school to provide the students with examination conditions mirroring the state examinations in order to prepare our students for these in the future. The school reports on the summer examinations will be available online. I would like to sincerely thank you for all your support with our new VSWare administration package at We are still developing its capability.
We are continuing our Clothing Recycling Appeal and all funds raised through it are for the refurbishment of the Canteen. Bags of clothing can be left into the office anytime between 9am and 4pm or students can leave bags at Mr. Moore’s office at any time. I would like to thank the Parents’ Association for all their work throughout the school year in representing parents and supporting the school.
St. Mary’s prioritises Child Protection and our School Safety Statement and Risk Assessment is on display at the front door of the school. I am, the DLP (Designated Liaison Person) and Mr. John Moore is the DDLP (Deputy Designated Liaison Person). The staff completed a Tulsa online training certificate in Child Protection Procedures, during the snow days to avoid erosion of tuition time. However, a further Department of Education and Science requirement of the Child Protection training is a whole school PDST course which will take place on Friday 25th May. Therefore, the school will finish at 12:20, it is our hope that this time would be utilised by students to study and prepare for their summer exams. We would emphasise that attendance that morning is very important and we would like to achieve full attendance, so please refrain from allowing students to take the full day off.
I would also like to emphasise that good school attendance is vital to students’ success. Our school attendance strategy and work by our attendance committee has been undertaken, surveying students and parents to look at improving school attendance. Punctuality is a significant life skill and we are particularly, proud of the girls who always arrive on time. It is however, important that students’ realise that arriving late is extremely disruptive to classes, has implications for health and safety and affects teaching and learning. It is not our aim to dissuade any student from coming to school and we would rather that a student make it into school, than not, but we do have an obligation to aim for full attendance and punctual arrival as an essential preparation for the world of work after school. You can use VSWare to monitor and check your daughter’s attendance.
I will be sending out a letter on the school amenities fee next week for the coming academic year. We will be shortly introducing a new Easy Payments Plus system to facilitate online payments and further details will follow. I am very conscious of the mounting expenses on families and the school always aims to keep costs to a minimum. We are, however, in constant battle with the Department of Education and Science for funding. Our new heating system has been a great improvement but it is just the very tip of the iceberg. We feel very strongly that our students deserve the highest standard of facilities and we have worked tirelessly to secure additional funding but we are still very dependent on the amenities fee. I would appeal to your to make this investment in your daughter and thank you for your support.
I wish you and your family a peaceful, restful and happy summer holiday.
Best wishes,
Dr. Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.
As we approach the end of another successful school year, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support, on behalf of myself and the staff of St. Mary’s. The last week alone has been action packed with events, inter-cultural days, picnics and plays. I hope this letter gives you just a flavour of all that is happening. On Monday the 14th May our school picnic to mark the 50th Anniversary of the school and in celebration of the World Meeting of Families, saw us come together as a community past and present to have lunch and indulge in ice-creams. Many thanks, to Sr. Marie Therese Porter for all her work on organising and coordinating the day.
The 50th Anniversary was also marked with a tree planting ceremony by our Green School Committee under the guidance of Mr. Ciaran Roe. St. Laurence’s National school joined us for the event and we hope our tree has many years of growth in St. Mary’s.
Tuesday the 14th was Sports Day for First, Second and Fifth Years, co-ordinated by Mr. Robert Fennell, Mr. Declan Burke and all the staff involved in sport in St.Mary’s, the day was fantastic. We were very appreciative of the support of Ms. Clare Finnerty, Principal of St. Laurence’s National School who once again allowed us to use their grounds. It was wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm of the students and their pride in enjoying victory over the staff in the tug of war.
On Tuesday we were also delighted to invite our local national schools to the Matinee of our Transition Year play together with 3rd class of St. Laurence’s in ‘Legally Blonde Jr. ’It was a pleasure to showcase the talent, dedication and commitment of our Transition Years student to the lively and encouraging audiences that supported them each night. Indeed, the show performances continued on the nights of the 16th, 17th and tonight 18th May. Sincere thanks to Fingal County Council for their continued support in sponsoring the show.
The Parents’ Association has been working diligently fundraising, through bad packing with Transition Years and organised a bumper raffle at the play. We are very grateful for all their efforts on behalf of the girls. The production once again this year is of the highest standard and we are very thankful to Jimmy and Carol O’Byrne and most especially to Ms. Lynda Byrne, Ms. Katie Byrne, Ms. Anita Riordan for all their work for the show. I am extremely grateful to all the staff for their support of the play and the work that has been done particularly by Mr. Moore in promoting the show and the many students, particularly some of our Fifth Years, who helped him.
Continuing our work with the local community, the Transition Logon and Learn programme has been very successful this year and we hope that you can spread the word that we would be very happy to have new recruits next year.
The students of St. Mary’s are always a credit to their parents and guardians, but in the past week alone the girls have out done themselves. They have been so respectful, gracious and appreciative of the work, effort and commitment by staff on their behalf. It is particularly heartening that a number of past teachers of the school commented on how exemplary the girls of St. Mary’s are to this day. I know that we are particularly proud of the girls and have on many occasions throughout the year been complemented on their attitude, kindness and behaviour. It is wonderful to get the opportunity to share this with you.
The students are also a credit to the hard work, commitment and dedication of the staff of St. Mary’s. After years of dedicated service to the students, parents and community of St. Mary’s, both Ms. Duffy and Ms. Keane are now looking forward to their well-deserved retirement. The wisdom, knowledge, compassion and unwavering belief in their students will most certainly be missed. The staff will feel the loss of their support and invaluable mentoring over the years. I know that the parents’ of St. Mary’s will join us in thanking them and wishing them both the very best as they embark on the next chapter of their life with family and friends.
In the spirit of farewell, we would like to thank our outstanding Head Girl Aoife Rose Byrne and Deputy Head Girl Áine Ryan. Together with the Senior Prefects of 2018 they were exemplary representatives of the school and student body. Congratulations to Megan O’Dare and Charlotte Smith who have been appointed Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, respectively for the new academic year. We wish them and our new Senior Prefects: Rachel Campbell, Shannon Conroy, Jessica Coyne, Evie Hogan, Shauna McAney, Ruby Smith, Áine Yeates, Weam Alias, Lauren Buckley, Katelyn Dalton, Lauren Emery and Khristine Marcelo the very best of luck.
The summer examinations are very important in the assessment of student progress and we would like to emphasise the importance to you that students sit the exams and that they are punctual and in correct uniform throughout. It is the aim of the school to provide the students with examination conditions mirroring the state examinations in order to prepare our students for these in the future. The school reports on the summer examinations will be available online. I would like to sincerely thank you for all your support with our new VSWare administration package at We are still developing its capability.
We are continuing our Clothing Recycling Appeal and all funds raised through it are for the refurbishment of the Canteen. Bags of clothing can be left into the office anytime between 9am and 4pm or students can leave bags at Mr. Moore’s office at any time. I would like to thank the Parents’ Association for all their work throughout the school year in representing parents and supporting the school.
St. Mary’s prioritises Child Protection and our School Safety Statement and Risk Assessment is on display at the front door of the school. I am, the DLP (Designated Liaison Person) and Mr. John Moore is the DDLP (Deputy Designated Liaison Person). The staff completed a Tulsa online training certificate in Child Protection Procedures, during the snow days to avoid erosion of tuition time. However, a further Department of Education and Science requirement of the Child Protection training is a whole school PDST course which will take place on Friday 25th May. Therefore, the school will finish at 12:20, it is our hope that this time would be utilised by students to study and prepare for their summer exams. We would emphasise that attendance that morning is very important and we would like to achieve full attendance, so please refrain from allowing students to take the full day off.
I would also like to emphasise that good school attendance is vital to students’ success. Our school attendance strategy and work by our attendance committee has been undertaken, surveying students and parents to look at improving school attendance. Punctuality is a significant life skill and we are particularly, proud of the girls who always arrive on time. It is however, important that students’ realise that arriving late is extremely disruptive to classes, has implications for health and safety and affects teaching and learning. It is not our aim to dissuade any student from coming to school and we would rather that a student make it into school, than not, but we do have an obligation to aim for full attendance and punctual arrival as an essential preparation for the world of work after school. You can use VSWare to monitor and check your daughter’s attendance.
I will be sending out a letter on the school amenities fee next week for the coming academic year. We will be shortly introducing a new Easy Payments Plus system to facilitate online payments and further details will follow. I am very conscious of the mounting expenses on families and the school always aims to keep costs to a minimum. We are, however, in constant battle with the Department of Education and Science for funding. Our new heating system has been a great improvement but it is just the very tip of the iceberg. We feel very strongly that our students deserve the highest standard of facilities and we have worked tirelessly to secure additional funding but we are still very dependent on the amenities fee. I would appeal to your to make this investment in your daughter and thank you for your support.
I wish you and your family a peaceful, restful and happy summer holiday.
Best wishes,
Dr. Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.
Welcome Back letter, by the Principal, Dr. E. Greene, 8 January 2018
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all your family a very happy New Year.
The run up to the Christmas holidays was a very productive and busy one in St. Marys. We were delighted with the success of our 50th Anniversary Carols by Candlelight Concert on the 7th December. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of the Parents Association: Chairperson Carmel Cunningham, Patricia Flynn, Sharon Evans and Anne Marie Graham, with the assistance and help of many others, who were all vital in the success of the night. We were very proud of all our students who performed on the night and very grateful for your support.
Congratulations to all our students who work tirelessly in the support of people of need in our community. The Christmas shoe box appeal, our Vincent de Paul hamper collection, Clothing Recycling, Transition Year Temple Street Collection in the City Centre, Coin Collection for the Teachers’ Carol Singing in aid of St. Vincent de Paul and our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital, all highlighted the generosity, care and compassion of our students for those less fortunate.
The Christmas holidays were made special by two events in the tradition of St. Mary’s, the school Talent Show and the Carol Service. I am very grateful to all the staff involved in these events in giving our students an opportunity to showcase their talents and to give us time to reflect on the deeper spiritual message of Christmas that promotes our wellness and positive sense of self.
Congratulations to our Transition Year Students who received their Junior Certificate Profile of Achievements on the 22nd December. I would also like to commend the Transition Years on their participation as Line Judges in the Irish Badminton Open. They were excellent ambassadors for the school. Thank you to Mr. Fennell, Mr. Burke and all other teachers involved for their hard work on those days. The Transition Years are working hard in preparation for their show in May, Legally Blonde Jr. They continue to fundraise for their show through bag packing events. We would be grateful with any help or support parents could give them with this.
I am glad to report that over the Christmas holidays a considerable amount of work was done in preparation for the commissioning of our new boilers. We are hoping that the work will be completed very shortly. Our school lift project has gone to tender for the consultancy phase and the roof on the front of the building has also received an emergency grant. Plans have been prepared for the refurbishment of the meditation room, which we hope that work will begin soon.
We are very grateful to the Minister for Education for his ongoing support of the school and to parents for keeping political pressure on him to improve our school facilities.
The First Years completed a Friendship Day following the Christmas exams and enjoyed a History Trip to the National Museum, sincere thanks to all the teachers involved. The First Years will be going to the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition on Friday 12th January as part of their science programme. Thank you to the Science Department, for all their work organising the trip.
The First Year Choir, conducted by Ms. Morgan, performed at the Fingal Enterprise Board, Market Fair in Fingal County Council Offices in Swords, which also had a number of our Transition Year Mini-Companies represented at the event. The Transition Year Choir, conducted by Ms. Sheridan, performed the Carol Service for St. Michael’s House. We will look forward to the girls’ participation in the Emmanuel Concert in the Helix.
This week a wellness day has been organised with Mr Gerry Keegan for Transition Years on Tuesday 9th January and Third Years on Friday 12th January.
The mock examinations will be starting at the end of January, mock fees of € 40 will be due in by Friday 19th January for the papers only and it is very important that students take every opportunity to use the mock experience to focus their study and attain their goals. The school continues to offer supervised study for the girls every day, please contact Mr. O’Neill or Mr. Bowler for further details.
On Monday afternoons, the girls are offered the Microsoft Office Certificate, which is proving very successful. If any student is interested in participating, contact Mr. Collins, it costs €30 for ten lessons, which is great value.
Please note that as a result of the new Junior Certificate the school will be closed on two occasions: this Thursday the 11th January for Staff CPD training on the new Junior Certificate and the 1st February will also be a school closure day for cluster meeting on the new Junior Certificate
We would be grateful for any clothes for our ongoing Clothing Recycling programme. The Parents Association would be very grateful for any support or assistance that you could give them by volunteering, even a small amount of time, to their endeavours. They are currently collecting spot prizes for a raffle, all donations gratefully received.
Thank you for all your support and patience as we roll out the VSWare programme in the school. Naturally there has been some teething problems which will be sorted, however, we are very pleased with the capabilities of the new programme in assisting and supporting teaching and learning.
Best wishes,
Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all your family a very happy New Year.
The run up to the Christmas holidays was a very productive and busy one in St. Marys. We were delighted with the success of our 50th Anniversary Carols by Candlelight Concert on the 7th December. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of the Parents Association: Chairperson Carmel Cunningham, Patricia Flynn, Sharon Evans and Anne Marie Graham, with the assistance and help of many others, who were all vital in the success of the night. We were very proud of all our students who performed on the night and very grateful for your support.
Congratulations to all our students who work tirelessly in the support of people of need in our community. The Christmas shoe box appeal, our Vincent de Paul hamper collection, Clothing Recycling, Transition Year Temple Street Collection in the City Centre, Coin Collection for the Teachers’ Carol Singing in aid of St. Vincent de Paul and our Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital, all highlighted the generosity, care and compassion of our students for those less fortunate.
The Christmas holidays were made special by two events in the tradition of St. Mary’s, the school Talent Show and the Carol Service. I am very grateful to all the staff involved in these events in giving our students an opportunity to showcase their talents and to give us time to reflect on the deeper spiritual message of Christmas that promotes our wellness and positive sense of self.
Congratulations to our Transition Year Students who received their Junior Certificate Profile of Achievements on the 22nd December. I would also like to commend the Transition Years on their participation as Line Judges in the Irish Badminton Open. They were excellent ambassadors for the school. Thank you to Mr. Fennell, Mr. Burke and all other teachers involved for their hard work on those days. The Transition Years are working hard in preparation for their show in May, Legally Blonde Jr. They continue to fundraise for their show through bag packing events. We would be grateful with any help or support parents could give them with this.
I am glad to report that over the Christmas holidays a considerable amount of work was done in preparation for the commissioning of our new boilers. We are hoping that the work will be completed very shortly. Our school lift project has gone to tender for the consultancy phase and the roof on the front of the building has also received an emergency grant. Plans have been prepared for the refurbishment of the meditation room, which we hope that work will begin soon.
We are very grateful to the Minister for Education for his ongoing support of the school and to parents for keeping political pressure on him to improve our school facilities.
The First Years completed a Friendship Day following the Christmas exams and enjoyed a History Trip to the National Museum, sincere thanks to all the teachers involved. The First Years will be going to the Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition on Friday 12th January as part of their science programme. Thank you to the Science Department, for all their work organising the trip.
The First Year Choir, conducted by Ms. Morgan, performed at the Fingal Enterprise Board, Market Fair in Fingal County Council Offices in Swords, which also had a number of our Transition Year Mini-Companies represented at the event. The Transition Year Choir, conducted by Ms. Sheridan, performed the Carol Service for St. Michael’s House. We will look forward to the girls’ participation in the Emmanuel Concert in the Helix.
This week a wellness day has been organised with Mr Gerry Keegan for Transition Years on Tuesday 9th January and Third Years on Friday 12th January.
The mock examinations will be starting at the end of January, mock fees of € 40 will be due in by Friday 19th January for the papers only and it is very important that students take every opportunity to use the mock experience to focus their study and attain their goals. The school continues to offer supervised study for the girls every day, please contact Mr. O’Neill or Mr. Bowler for further details.
On Monday afternoons, the girls are offered the Microsoft Office Certificate, which is proving very successful. If any student is interested in participating, contact Mr. Collins, it costs €30 for ten lessons, which is great value.
Please note that as a result of the new Junior Certificate the school will be closed on two occasions: this Thursday the 11th January for Staff CPD training on the new Junior Certificate and the 1st February will also be a school closure day for cluster meeting on the new Junior Certificate
We would be grateful for any clothes for our ongoing Clothing Recycling programme. The Parents Association would be very grateful for any support or assistance that you could give them by volunteering, even a small amount of time, to their endeavours. They are currently collecting spot prizes for a raffle, all donations gratefully received.
Thank you for all your support and patience as we roll out the VSWare programme in the school. Naturally there has been some teething problems which will be sorted, however, we are very pleased with the capabilities of the new programme in assisting and supporting teaching and learning.
Best wishes,
Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.
Welcome back letter, by the Principal, Dr. E. Greene,11 September 2017
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s),
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to St. Mary’s for a very special new school year, celebrating 50 years of excellence in education. We have got off to a fantastic start with so much already undertaken by Staff and students.
Our First Years are settling in and the Sixth Years have already undertaken a study skills and mindfulness workshops. It is wonderful to see all the Year Groups embrace the opportunities of a new academic year and we are delighted that the girls have already had a Cyber Safety Talk by Monika Rowe from Childline. The TY’s had a seminar on mini-company organization from Serena Bryans from Fingal Enterprise Board, which we hope will set the girls on the right path to being our next generation of young entrepreneurs.
We are very proud of the girls arriving promptly for our new class times. We really appreciate your support and co-operation in making every school day count, thank you.
The month of September is particularly busy and I would like to draw your attention to the following dates and events that are happening this month.
We are very proud of the girls’ involvement in all of the above events and we would appeal to parent(s) and guardian(s) to ensure that students do not miss these days as they are particularly important to the school community. We would love to reach our target for full attendance, especially on the days the girls have the opportunity to go early.
I am very happy to report that the ongoing efforts to improve the facilities of St. Mary’s have resulted in: the glass replaced in the first floor corridor windows, an Emergency application for a Lift, New Boilers finally tendered and ready for installation, the preparation of architectural plans, costings and design of a new Home Economics Room, Universal Access Toilet and Student Toilets on the First Floor. The Staff room is currently being refurbished to accommodate improved ICT facilities and we look forward to reinstating our Chapel. This year we also intend to refurbish the Meditation Room for the girls and we hope that the school walk will allow us to make significant improvement to the Canteen. We all know that the girls and the Staff deserve these improvements
Thank you so much for all your support, I am really looking forward to meeting you at the AGM and at the events leading up to that.
Best wishes,
Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to St. Mary’s for a very special new school year, celebrating 50 years of excellence in education. We have got off to a fantastic start with so much already undertaken by Staff and students.
Our First Years are settling in and the Sixth Years have already undertaken a study skills and mindfulness workshops. It is wonderful to see all the Year Groups embrace the opportunities of a new academic year and we are delighted that the girls have already had a Cyber Safety Talk by Monika Rowe from Childline. The TY’s had a seminar on mini-company organization from Serena Bryans from Fingal Enterprise Board, which we hope will set the girls on the right path to being our next generation of young entrepreneurs.
We are very proud of the girls arriving promptly for our new class times. We really appreciate your support and co-operation in making every school day count, thank you.
The month of September is particularly busy and I would like to draw your attention to the following dates and events that are happening this month.
- Open Night Tuesday 12th September 2017 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Former students are also very welcome to drop in and visit
- Microsoft Office Certification Computer Classes on every Monday after school. Contact Mr. Collins or Mr. Moore if interested.
- Junior Cert Results Wednesday 13th September. Girls must be in full uniform and results available at 10:00 am in the Canteen. Best of Luck!
- First Year Parent Information Night Tuesday 19th September from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, an opportunity to meet Year Head and Form teachers.
- Sixth Year CAO/CAS Night Tuesday 19th September from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
- Parents Association AGM Tuesday 19th September from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
- Dubs Day in aid of the DSPCA Friday 15th September.
- VSWare Training Friday 22nd September 8:45am to 1:00pm. Please note that school finishes at 1:00pm for students as teachers are undertaking training in the new VSWare Package and information on its capabilities for parents will be provided shortly.
- School Mass Wednesday 27th September. Students will have permission to go home on return to the school, when the Mass is over at approx 1:30 pm.
- School Walk Friday 29th in aid of the refurbishment of the school Canteen.
We are very proud of the girls’ involvement in all of the above events and we would appeal to parent(s) and guardian(s) to ensure that students do not miss these days as they are particularly important to the school community. We would love to reach our target for full attendance, especially on the days the girls have the opportunity to go early.
I am very happy to report that the ongoing efforts to improve the facilities of St. Mary’s have resulted in: the glass replaced in the first floor corridor windows, an Emergency application for a Lift, New Boilers finally tendered and ready for installation, the preparation of architectural plans, costings and design of a new Home Economics Room, Universal Access Toilet and Student Toilets on the First Floor. The Staff room is currently being refurbished to accommodate improved ICT facilities and we look forward to reinstating our Chapel. This year we also intend to refurbish the Meditation Room for the girls and we hope that the school walk will allow us to make significant improvement to the Canteen. We all know that the girls and the Staff deserve these improvements
Thank you so much for all your support, I am really looking forward to meeting you at the AGM and at the events leading up to that.
Best wishes,
Edel Greene,
Secretary to the Board of Management.