Pastoral Care Structure Our Pastoral Care structure is dedicated to the needs of each student. Each class has a FormTeacher, who pays particular attention to that group. Each year has a Year Head, who looks after the needs of all the classes within a particular year. The Guidance Counsellor is available to all students. Our Learning Support teachers assist students who experience learning difficulties. There are also two Care Teams to support students who are experiencing difficulty.
How the Form Class System Works In order to support students we have an active Form Class System. Each class is appointed a Form Teacher who deals with any concerns about her/his class. Students can bring concerns to their tutor and she/he can report these concerns to the relevant Year Head at their regular meetings. If the Year Head needs to involve the Guidance Counsellor, Learning Support teacher, Deputy Principal or Principal, she/he will report her/his concerns at a Year Head meeting, where decisions are made about what kind of support a student might need. The Form Class System ensures that all concerns are acknowledged and that every student has easy access to the supports that are available in the school.
Senior Prefects Our Prefect Structure comprising Senior Prefects led by Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl, is essential to the running of the school. Prefects undertake specific duties and represent the school in a positive manner. They encourage other students. They provide a direct link between students, Year Heads, Deputy Principal and Principal. They are involved in caring for, and integrating, new students into the school.
Class Captains and Vice Captains Class Captains and Vice Captains are elected by their peers and form an important link between students and staff. They are expected to give a good example at all times.
Student Council The Student Council gives our students a democratic voice. It consists of one student elected from each class, together with the Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl. The Student Council meets regularly and works to improve school life for the benefit of all students.
Big Sister Programme The Big Sister Programme is a volunteer programme between first and fifth/sixth year students. A fifth/sixth year agrees to meet with a first year student within school time for a minimum of 15 minutes a week outside of class time. This is very important at the start of the school year and it has many advantages. It is a particularly invaluable aid for the settling in process for first year students. It is great to have a “big sister” or new older friend in the school when you arrive as a new student.