Learning Support Department
St Mary’s Secondary School strives to provide an education that is suitable to all students, both academically and socially in line with our admissions policy and mission statement.
To help provide this inclusive education our Learning Support Department works with mainstream teachers to ensure all students can access the curriculum at their own appropriate level
To help provide this inclusive education our Learning Support Department works with mainstream teachers to ensure all students can access the curriculum at their own appropriate level
Our SET’s (Special Education Teachers) and SNA’s (Special Needs Assistants) co-operate with teachers to reinforce topics and materials covered in mainstream classes, and also work alongside students who present with literacy and comprehension difficulties, mobility issues, sensory issues, ASD, EBD and other issues. The Department also assists students who require EAL (English as an Additional Language) support.
Support is fluid and is delivered on a needs basis, as per the Department of Education Continuum of Support which can be accessed here
The Learning Support Department creates a plan for each student in receipt of SET and SNA support, and these plans are reviewed regularly by the school with parents/guardians and external agencies where relevant.
The Learning Support Department works with the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) to secure supports for students where needed, such as SNA assistance or Assistive Technology. More information available here
The Learning Support Department works with the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) to secure supports for students where needed, such as SNA assistance or Assistive Technology. More information available here
The Learning Support Department also works with the State Examinations Commission to secure Reasonable Accommodations for students in state examinations. For further information click here
The Department also assists teachers, students and parents/guardians with learning materials to supplement mainstream class learning. These resources and related links can be found on the Department’s website here or by clicking on the link on the school’s website.
You can also follow us on our twitter account here at @stmarysls