St. Mary’s Secondary School for Girls, Baldoyle
Presentation Editing in Progress
Admission Policy 2022-2023
Roll number: 60021U
School Patron: Religious Sisters of Charity
Admission Policy 2022-2023
Roll number: 60021U
School Patron: Religious Sisters of Charity
This Admission Policy complies with the requirements of the Education Act 1998, the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 and the Equal Status Act 2000. In drafting this policy, the board of management of the school has consulted with school staff, the school patron and with parents of children attending the school.
The policy was approved by the school patron on 1st September 2020. It is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy, on request, to any person who requests it.
The relevant dates and timelines for St. Mary’s Secondary School admission process are set out in the school’s annual admission notice which is published annually on the school’s website at least one week before the commencement of the admission process for the school year concerned.
This policy must be read in conjunction with the annual admission notice for the school year concerned.
The application form for admission is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy on request to any person who requests it.
Characteristic spirit and general objectives of the school
St. Mary’s Secondary School is a Catholic all girls voluntary secondary school with a Catholic ethos under the trusteeship of the Religious Sisters of Charity.
“Catholic Ethos” in the context of a Catholic voluntary secondary school means the ethos and characteristic spirit of the Roman Catholic Church, which aims at promoting:
(a) the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil, including the intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual aspects; and
(b) a living relationship with God and with other people; and
(c) a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; and
(d) the formation of the pupils in the Catholic faith,
And which school provides religious education in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, and/or such ethos and/or characteristic spirit as may be determined or interpreted from time to time by the Irish Episcopal Conference.
In accordance with S.15 (2) (b) of the Education Act, 1998 the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Secondary School shall uphold, and be accountable to the patron for so upholding, the characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions which inform and are characteristic of the objectives and conduct of the school.
Our Mission Statement
“Caritas Christi Urget Nos”: The love of Christ urges us
In the spirit of our foundress, Mary Aikenhead, we endeavour, by working together as a school community, to educate the whole person by fostering a growth in knowledge and integrity in a safe and secure environment.
In the tradition of Mary Aikenhead we find our meaning and inspiration in Christ the teacher who sends us as He was sent to enter into the struggle of our times in our mission of Education.
We affirm that the richness of our schools lies in each student, in each teacher, in each parent, in each person who contributes in whatever way to the life and work of the school and community.
St. Mary’s Secondary School strives to be a welcoming place to all, irrespective of culture, social, religious or educational background. It is Catholic in character, inclusive in its intake and comprehensive in its curriculum. It exercises justice and fairness in its structure and behaviour management strategies and is consultative in its decision-making.
Our school aims to take positive steps to fulfil its mission in partnership with the Department of Education and Science, Board of Management, Parents, Staff, Students, Trustees and the Local Community.
As with other values, justice, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and mutual understanding will find clear expression first and foremost in the daily life of the school community. We aim to educate our students to be people of integrity and responsibility whose potential has only begun to be realised and who will use their gifts to contribute to a more just society.
Since the aim of all Sisters of Charity schools is the formation of young people in a specifically Catholic Tradition it follows that a systematic way of presenting the faith is a central element of the life of St. Mary’s Secondary School. We also welcome students from other religious traditions and we are aware of, and sensitive to, their own individual needs.
Admission Statement
St. Mary’s Secondary School will not discriminate in its admission of a student to the school on any of the following:
As per section 61(3) of the Education Act 1998, ‘civil status ground’, ‘disability ground’, ‘discriminate’, ‘family status ground’, ‘gender ground’, ‘ground of race’, ‘religion ground’, ‘sexual orientation ground’ and ‘Traveller community ground’ shall be construed in accordance with section 3 of the Equal Status Act 2000.
St. Mary’s Secondary School retains the following statement:
Single gender schools
St. Mary’s Secondary School is an all-girls school and does not discriminate where it refuses to admit a boy applying for admission to this school.
Categories of Special Educational Needs catered for in the school/special class
St. Mary’s Secondary School does not have an established a class to provide an education exclusively for students with Special Educational Needs. However, in St. Mary’s Secondary School, we welcome applications from students with special educational needs. We will use the resources, both financial and personnel, provided by the Department of Education and Skills to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with special educational needs to ensure that they are free to participate in the life of the school in so far as is reasonable and practicable.
In order to assess and address the requirements of students with special educational needs, the Board of Management must be aware of any special needs as early as possible. The Board requires the following information from the parent/guardian:
Contact will be made with the National Council for Special Educational Needs regarding special educational needs resources to which the student may be entitled.
The Principal can request a meeting with the parent/guardian of the student to discuss the application, the student’s needs and the school’s capacity to meet these needs. In turn, the parent/guardian of the student can also request a meeting with the Principal to discuss the application, the student’s needs and the school’s capacity to meet these needs. Furthermore, The school commits itself to working closely with the Special Education Needs Organiser (SENO) to ensure that students with special needs are given all reasonable assistance, subject to available resources, to achieve their educational potential.
Admission of Students
This school shall admit each student seeking admission except where –
a) the school is oversubscribed (please see section 6 below for further details)
b) A parent of a student, when required by the principal in accordance with section 23(4) of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, fails to confirm in writing that the Code of Behaviour of the school is acceptable to him or her and that he or she shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with such code by the student.
St. Mary’s Secondary School has a detailed Code of Behaviour for students. It outlines the system of rewards and sanctions the school operates to promote a climate which facilitates teaching and learning that is at the heart of the school’s educational mission. Prospective parents/guardians should familiarise themselves with the school’s code of
behaviour which they are required to accept and sign. They are further expected to support the school in its
enforcement as appropriate in the context of justice and fairness to all parties.
The Code of Behaviour is available on the school’s website:
See Appendix 2 for copy of Code of Behaviour.
St. Mary’s Secondary School is a school that admits students of one gender only
St. Mary’s Secondary School provides education exclusively for girls and may refuse to admit as a student a person who is not of the gender provided for by this school.
In the event that the school is oversubscribed, the school will, when deciding on applications for admission, apply the following selection criteria in the order listed below to those applications that are received within the timeline for receipt of applications as set out in the school’s annual admission notice:
Parents/guardians will be informed by the school whether their daughter’s application has been successful within 21 days of the closing date of receipt of application form and other relevant documentation
A maximum of 90 places have been made available in First Year by the Board of Management for the academic year 2021/2022.
In the event that the total number of First Year applicants exceeds the number of places available, as decided by St. Mary’s Secondary School’s Board of Management, the following Criteria will be applied to determine to whom places will be offered:
Criterion 1: Applicants, who at present have a sister attending, or had in the past a sister attending St. Mary’s Secondary School.
Criterion 2: Applicants who live in the area and who attend one of the following primary schools (in no particular order):
Should the quota of students for the year be exceeded by the above criteria the decision on intake shall be determined by a lottery of the above participants overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of the Board of Management.
If, after applying Criterion 2 there are still places remaining, Criterion 3 will be applied to the remaining applicants.
Criterion 3: Applicants who live in the area and who attend one of the following primary schools (in no particular order):
Applications must be received by the closing date specified for receipt of application.
Should the quota of girls for the year be exceeded by the above criteria the decision on intake shall be determined by a lottery of the above participants overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
If, after applying Criterion 3 there are still places remaining, Criterion 4 will be applied to the remaining applicants.
Criterion 4: If, after applying Criterion 1 through 3, there are still places remaining then the remaining applicants will be chosen by lottery overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
To fill the remaining places, subject to the resources available within the school places will be offered, in order of receipt of dated and completed application form by the closing date specified for receipt of applications.
If, after all the places have been allocated, there are students whose application form was on time, such applications will be put on top of the waiting list in the order in which they were received.
In the event that there are two or more students tied for a place or places in any of the selection criteria categories above (the number of applicants exceeds the number of remaining places), the following arrangements will apply:
Should there be two or more students tied for a place or places the decision on intake should be determined by a lottery overseen by Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
What will not be considered or taken into account
In accordance with section 62(7)(e) of the Education Act, the school will not consider or take into account any of the following in deciding on applications for admission or when placing a student on a waiting list for admission to the school:
This is subject to the application being received at any time during the period specified for receiving applications set out in the annual admission notice of the school for the school year concerned.
This is also subject to the school making offers based on existing waiting lists (up until 31st January 2025 only).
Decisions on applications
All decisions on applications for admission to St. Mary’s Secondary School will be based on the following:
(Please see section below in relation to applications received outside of the admissions period and section below in relation to applications for places in years other than the intake group.)
Selection criteria that are not included in our school admission policy will not be used to make a decision on an application for a place in our school.
Notifying applicants of decisions
Applicants will be informed in writing as to the decision of the school, within the timeline outlined in the annual admissions notice.
If a student is not offered a place in our school, the reasons why they were not offered a place will be communicated in writing to the applicant, including, where applicable, details of the student’s ranking against the selection criteria and details of the student’s place on the waiting list for the school year concerned.
Applicants will be informed of the right to seek a review/right of appeal of the school’s decision (see section 18 below for further details).
Acceptance of an offer of a place by an applicant
In accepting an offer of admission from St. Mary’s Secondary School you must indicate--
(i) Whether or not you have accepted an offer of admission for another school or schools. If you have accepted such an offer, you must also provide details of the offer or offers concerned and
(ii) Whether or not you have applied for and awaiting confirmation of an offer of admission from another school or schools, and if so, you must provide details of the other school or schools concerned.
Applicants should be aware that failure to disclose this information on the acceptance of a place may lead to an offer being withdrawn by the school.
Circumstances in which offers may not be made or may be withdrawn
An offer of admission may not be made or may be withdrawn by St. Mary’s Secondary School where:--
Sharing of Data with other schools
Applicants should be aware that section 66(6) of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 allows for the sharing of data between schools in order to facilitate the efficient admission of students. Section 66(6) allows a school to provide a patron or another board of management with a list of the students in relation to whom:--
(i) An application for admission to the school has been received,
(ii) An offer of admission to the school has been made, or
(iii) An offer of admission to the school has been accepted.
The list may include any or all of the following:-
(i) The date on which an application for admission was received by the school;
(ii) The date on which an offer of admission was made by the school;
(iii) The date on which an offer of admission was accepted by an applicant;
(iv) A student’s personal details including his or her name, address, date of birth and personal public service number (within the meaning of section 262 of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005).
Waiting list in the event of oversubscription
In the event of there being more applications to the school year concerned than places available, a waiting list of students whose applications for admission to St. Mary’s Secondary School were unsuccessful due to the school being oversubscribed will be compiled and will remain valid for the school year in which admission is being sought.
Placement on the waiting list of St. Mary’s Secondary School is in the order of priority assigned to the students’ applications after the school has applied the selection criteria in accordance with this admission policy.
Offers of any subsequent places that become available for and during the school year in relation to which admission is being sought will be made to those students on the waiting list, in accordance with the order of priority in relation to which the students have been placed on the list.
Late Applications
All applications for admission received after the closing date as outlined in the annual admission notice will be considered and decided upon in accordance with our school’s admissions policy, the Education Admissions to School Act 2018 and any regulations made under that Act.
Late applicants will be notified of the decision in respect of their application not later than three weeks after the date on which the school received the application. Late applicants will be offered a place if there is a place available. In the event that there is no place available, the name of the applicant will be added to the waiting list.
Procedures for admission of students to other years and during the school year
The procedures of the school in relation to the admission of students who are not already admitted to the school to classes or years other than the school’s intake group are as follows:
The school will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a student seeking a transfer to our school. Applicants must meet the school’s entry criteria and furnish a full and honest reason for seeking a place in St. Mary’s Secondary School.
The Board of Management will decide on an application for admission to any other year other than First Years by applying the following criteria.
The Board of Management will decide whether or not a transfer:
The procedures of the school in relation to the admission of students who are not already admitted to the school, after the commencement of the school year in which admission is sought, are as follows:
Applicants must meet the school’s entry criteria. The Board of Management will decide whether or not the admission of the student
Declaration in relation to the non-charging of fees
The board of St. Mary’s Secondary School or any persons acting on its behalf shall not, except in accordance with section 64 of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018, charge fees for or seek payment or contributions (howsoever described) as a condition of:-
Arrangements regarding students not attending religious instruction
This section must be completed by schools that provide religious instruction to students.
The following are the school’s arrangements for students, where the parents or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, who has requested that the student attend the school without attending religious instruction in the school. These arrangements will not result in a reduction in the school day of such students:
The operational restriction on the school require that Non-Participants in Religious Education remain within the classroom and complete study/prescribed work by the RE Department in an area of moral/spiritual/religious education which will be agreed upon by parents, School Management and the RE Department, in advance of the arrangement and have educational value for the development of the person.
Review of decisions by the board of Management
The parent of the student, or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, may request the board to review a decision to refuse admission. Such requests must be made in accordance with Section 29C of the Education Act 1998.
The timeline within which such a review must be requested and the other requirements applicable to such reviews are set out in the procedures determined by the Minister under section 29B of the Education Act 1998 which are published on the website of the Department of Education and Skills.
The board will conduct such reviews in accordance with the requirements of the procedures determined under Section 29B and with section 29C of the Education Act 1998.
Note: Where an applicant has been refused admission due to the school being oversubscribed, the applicant must request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to a reason other than the school being oversubscribed, the applicant may request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
Right of appeal
Under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998, the parent of the student, or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, may appeal a decision of this school to refuse admission.
An appeal may be made under Section 29 (1) (c) (i) of the Education Act 1998 where the refusal to admit was due to the school being oversubscribed.
An appeal may be made under Section 29 (1) (c)(ii) of the Education Act 1998 where the refusal to admit was due a reason other than the school being oversubscribed.
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to the school being oversubscribed, the applicant must request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998. (Refer to Review of decisions by the Board of Management).
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to a reason other than the school being oversubscribed, the applicant may request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998. (Refer to Review of decisions by the Board of Management).
Appeals under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998 will be considered and determined by an independent appeals committee appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills.
The timeline within which such an appeal must be made and the other requirements applicable to such appeals are set out in the procedures determined by the Minister under section 29B of the Education Act 1998 which are published on the website of the Department of Education and Skills.
Appendix 1
St. Mary’s Secondary School
Copies of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2022/23 school year are available as follows: –
To download at:
On request: By emailing [email protected] or writing to: St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle, Dublin 13.
The school will commence accepting applications for admission on
From the 1st October 2022
The school will cease accepting applications for
admission on 23 October 2022
Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision on their application by
By 13th November 2022
Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission by
By 27th November
Failure by an applicant to accept an offer by the may result in the offer being withdrawn.
2. Number of places being made available in the 2022/23 school year
The number of places being made available in 1st year is
The number of residential places is (boarding schools only)
The number of non-residential places is (boarding schools only)
The number of places being made available in the special class catering for students with [insert category or categories of SEN catered for in the special class] is
(If the school has more than one class that caters for different categories of SEN, details of the number of places for each of the classes must be provided.)
Number of places in 1st year for the 2022/23 school year which were offered and accepted before 1 February 2022
Appendix 2
St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle, Dublin 13
Code of Behaviour
Each Student has Respect for Self, Others and the Environment
Mission Statement
St. Mary's Secondary School for Girls, Baldoyle is a Catholic school under the care of the Sisters of Charity. We aim for high academic standards and emphasize the moral, religious and social development of each student in a caring community. We work in partnership with parents to prepare our students to be independent, tolerant and compassionate.
St. Mary's Secondary School seeks to create a school environment that encourages
the holistic development of each student within a caring Christian community. This vision is encapsulated in the school's mission statement which informs and directs all the activities within the school, including matters relating to school behaviour.
St. Mary’s Secondary School operates a Pastoral Care system that is aimed at creating a caring environment, enabling each student to become a self–disciplined, mature person. This will be achieved through co-operation, respect for self and others and accepting responsibility for one's own actions.
Effective learning requires a high level of concentration and participation on the part of students and the acceptance of school rules.
Positive Behaviour is highly Valued and Rewarded The school encourages positive behaviour through various awards:
behaviour in our students and to compliment the Code of Behaviour.
Commendation Forms may be awarded to students in the following areas
Academic Achievement, for example
Social, for example
2. Monitoring Student Behaviour
Students are expected to behave responsibly at all times and obey the school rules which are explained in Appendix A
Misdemeanours will be dealt with in accordance with school disciplinary procedures.
Parental Support and Involvement
For discipline to be effective it is necessary to have the mutual support and involvement of parents/guardians, students and school authorities.
3. Sanctions
Breaches of school rules will be dealt with as appropriate and may include the following
Sanctions may begin at a later stage depending on the seriousness of the misdemeanour.
(i) Each student will have a Journal which allows parents/guardians and teachers to communicate quickly and easily.
When a student fails to respond or fails to comply with school rules, this may be recorded in the student's journal.
The unsatisfactory behaviour may also be recorded and kept on file by the Year Head.
(ii) Extra homework/schoolwork, lunchtime detention etc.
(iii) A Docket may be issued by the teacher for breaches of discipline and is used to monitor and record student mis-behaviour and disruption.
Three dockets may merit detention
One serious misdemeanour may merit immediate detention
Each teacher carries a triplicate book of dockets which shall be used to record details of student misdemeanours.
(iv) A period of Detention is held on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. and is supervised by staff.
Parents will receive a letter by post from the relevant Year Head confirming the detention and the date of the detention. The Year Head also verbally informs the student prior to the detention.
Students must attend Detention. Failure to attend will lead to further sanctions which may include suspension.
After a third detention, parents/guardians are invited to the school to meet with the Year Head.
If the above does not yield results, suspension may be necessary.
(v) Report:
When necessary, a student will be put “On Positive Behaviour Report” for a specified number of days or weeks by the Year Head, Deputy Principal or Principal and in consultation with the Form Teacher.
The student must present the “Report Document” to each teacher for comment. This is also signed by parents/guardians on a daily basis and monitored by the Year Head.
(vi) Refusal to follow an instruction by the Principal or Deputy Principal may lead to Suspension.
(vii) Suspension:
Suspension from class or school for a specified period may be sanctioned by the Principal and/or Board of Management.
In the case of gross misbehaviour, the Principal may sanction immediate suspension pending discussion with the parties concerned. In this case the parents/guardians will be contacted by phone and informed in writing of suspension. A student will be supervised until her parents/guardians have been informed and she has been collected from school by them.
Following a suspension
Further details are available in the Suspension Policy – see Appendix B
In accordance with section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, a decision of the the Principal to suspend a student may be appealed to the Board of Management. A decision by the Board of Management to suspend a student may be appealed to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science in accordance with the procedures of the Department.
The Principal will inform the Educational Welfare Officer if a student is suspended for a period of 6 days or more or if the suspension leads to a cumulative absence of 20 days or more in one school year.
(viii) Expulsion:
This is the ultimate sanction imposed by the school and is exercised by the Board of Management in extreme cases of indiscipline.
After consultation with the Board of Management, expulsion from the school will be considered for continuous serious misdemeanours or a single grave misdemeanour which threatens the safety and well-being of the school community
For further details, see Expulsion Policy – Appendix C
In accordance with section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, a decision of a Board of Management to expel a student may be appealed to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science in accordance with the procedures of the Department.
4. Evaluation and Review:
The policy is monitored on an-ongoing basis by Principal and Deputy Principal, Year Heads, Form Teachers and Staff.
The Code of Behaviour will be evaluated and reviewed at the end of each academic year or sooner if required.
5. List of Appendices
A School Rules
B Suspension Policy
C Expulsion Policy
D Issuing of Dockets Procedure
E Detention Procedures
F Mobile Phone Policy
G Homework Policy
H Anti Bullying Policy
I Late Policy
This policy will be reviewed every two years or sooner if deemed necessary.
This Admission Policy complies with the requirements of the Education Act 1998, the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 and the Equal Status Act 2000. In drafting this policy, the board of management of the school has consulted with school staff, the school patron and with parents of children attending the school.
The policy was approved by the school patron on 1st September 2020. It is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy, on request, to any person who requests it.
The relevant dates and timelines for St. Mary’s Secondary School admission process are set out in the school’s annual admission notice which is published annually on the school’s website at least one week before the commencement of the admission process for the school year concerned.
This policy must be read in conjunction with the annual admission notice for the school year concerned.
The application form for admission is published on the school’s website and will be made available in hardcopy on request to any person who requests it.
Characteristic spirit and general objectives of the school
St. Mary’s Secondary School is a Catholic all girls voluntary secondary school with a Catholic ethos under the trusteeship of the Religious Sisters of Charity.
“Catholic Ethos” in the context of a Catholic voluntary secondary school means the ethos and characteristic spirit of the Roman Catholic Church, which aims at promoting:
(a) the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil, including the intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual aspects; and
(b) a living relationship with God and with other people; and
(c) a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; and
(d) the formation of the pupils in the Catholic faith,
And which school provides religious education in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, and/or such ethos and/or characteristic spirit as may be determined or interpreted from time to time by the Irish Episcopal Conference.
In accordance with S.15 (2) (b) of the Education Act, 1998 the Board of Management of St. Mary’s Secondary School shall uphold, and be accountable to the patron for so upholding, the characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions which inform and are characteristic of the objectives and conduct of the school.
Our Mission Statement
“Caritas Christi Urget Nos”: The love of Christ urges us
In the spirit of our foundress, Mary Aikenhead, we endeavour, by working together as a school community, to educate the whole person by fostering a growth in knowledge and integrity in a safe and secure environment.
In the tradition of Mary Aikenhead we find our meaning and inspiration in Christ the teacher who sends us as He was sent to enter into the struggle of our times in our mission of Education.
We affirm that the richness of our schools lies in each student, in each teacher, in each parent, in each person who contributes in whatever way to the life and work of the school and community.
St. Mary’s Secondary School strives to be a welcoming place to all, irrespective of culture, social, religious or educational background. It is Catholic in character, inclusive in its intake and comprehensive in its curriculum. It exercises justice and fairness in its structure and behaviour management strategies and is consultative in its decision-making.
Our school aims to take positive steps to fulfil its mission in partnership with the Department of Education and Science, Board of Management, Parents, Staff, Students, Trustees and the Local Community.
As with other values, justice, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation and mutual understanding will find clear expression first and foremost in the daily life of the school community. We aim to educate our students to be people of integrity and responsibility whose potential has only begun to be realised and who will use their gifts to contribute to a more just society.
Since the aim of all Sisters of Charity schools is the formation of young people in a specifically Catholic Tradition it follows that a systematic way of presenting the faith is a central element of the life of St. Mary’s Secondary School. We also welcome students from other religious traditions and we are aware of, and sensitive to, their own individual needs.
Admission Statement
St. Mary’s Secondary School will not discriminate in its admission of a student to the school on any of the following:
- the gender ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the civil status ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the family status ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the sexual orientation ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the religion ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the disability ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the ground of race of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned,
- the Traveller community ground of the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned, or
- the ground that the student or the applicant in respect of the student concerned has special educational needs
As per section 61(3) of the Education Act 1998, ‘civil status ground’, ‘disability ground’, ‘discriminate’, ‘family status ground’, ‘gender ground’, ‘ground of race’, ‘religion ground’, ‘sexual orientation ground’ and ‘Traveller community ground’ shall be construed in accordance with section 3 of the Equal Status Act 2000.
St. Mary’s Secondary School retains the following statement:
Single gender schools
St. Mary’s Secondary School is an all-girls school and does not discriminate where it refuses to admit a boy applying for admission to this school.
Categories of Special Educational Needs catered for in the school/special class
St. Mary’s Secondary School does not have an established a class to provide an education exclusively for students with Special Educational Needs. However, in St. Mary’s Secondary School, we welcome applications from students with special educational needs. We will use the resources, both financial and personnel, provided by the Department of Education and Skills to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with special educational needs to ensure that they are free to participate in the life of the school in so far as is reasonable and practicable.
In order to assess and address the requirements of students with special educational needs, the Board of Management must be aware of any special needs as early as possible. The Board requires the following information from the parent/guardian:
- Information regarding the students’ educational needs on application
- A copy of the student’s psychological assessment(s). This should include a workable strategy for addressing the needs, allowing for the resources available.
- Previous access to a Special Needs Assistant
- Help, for specific needs from any resource teacher
- Help in areas including, visual impairment, hearing impairment, general learning disability or emotional disturbance (A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.)
- Any resource in relation to travel or mobility
Contact will be made with the National Council for Special Educational Needs regarding special educational needs resources to which the student may be entitled.
The Principal can request a meeting with the parent/guardian of the student to discuss the application, the student’s needs and the school’s capacity to meet these needs. In turn, the parent/guardian of the student can also request a meeting with the Principal to discuss the application, the student’s needs and the school’s capacity to meet these needs. Furthermore, The school commits itself to working closely with the Special Education Needs Organiser (SENO) to ensure that students with special needs are given all reasonable assistance, subject to available resources, to achieve their educational potential.
Admission of Students
This school shall admit each student seeking admission except where –
a) the school is oversubscribed (please see section 6 below for further details)
b) A parent of a student, when required by the principal in accordance with section 23(4) of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, fails to confirm in writing that the Code of Behaviour of the school is acceptable to him or her and that he or she shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with such code by the student.
St. Mary’s Secondary School has a detailed Code of Behaviour for students. It outlines the system of rewards and sanctions the school operates to promote a climate which facilitates teaching and learning that is at the heart of the school’s educational mission. Prospective parents/guardians should familiarise themselves with the school’s code of
behaviour which they are required to accept and sign. They are further expected to support the school in its
enforcement as appropriate in the context of justice and fairness to all parties.
The Code of Behaviour is available on the school’s website:
See Appendix 2 for copy of Code of Behaviour.
St. Mary’s Secondary School is a school that admits students of one gender only
St. Mary’s Secondary School provides education exclusively for girls and may refuse to admit as a student a person who is not of the gender provided for by this school.
In the event that the school is oversubscribed, the school will, when deciding on applications for admission, apply the following selection criteria in the order listed below to those applications that are received within the timeline for receipt of applications as set out in the school’s annual admission notice:
Parents/guardians will be informed by the school whether their daughter’s application has been successful within 21 days of the closing date of receipt of application form and other relevant documentation
A maximum of 90 places have been made available in First Year by the Board of Management for the academic year 2021/2022.
In the event that the total number of First Year applicants exceeds the number of places available, as decided by St. Mary’s Secondary School’s Board of Management, the following Criteria will be applied to determine to whom places will be offered:
Criterion 1: Applicants, who at present have a sister attending, or had in the past a sister attending St. Mary’s Secondary School.
Criterion 2: Applicants who live in the area and who attend one of the following primary schools (in no particular order):
- St. Laurences’s National School
- Scoil Mhuire agus Iosef, Bayside Senior Primary School
- Holy Trinity Primary School
- St. Frances of Assisi Primary School
- Howth National School
- St. Marnock’s, Portmarnock, Primary School
- St Helen’s Portmarnock Primary School
- St. Fintan’s Primary School
- St. Paul’s, Ayrefield Primary School
Should the quota of students for the year be exceeded by the above criteria the decision on intake shall be determined by a lottery of the above participants overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of the Board of Management.
If, after applying Criterion 2 there are still places remaining, Criterion 3 will be applied to the remaining applicants.
Criterion 3: Applicants who live in the area and who attend one of the following primary schools (in no particular order):
- Malahide Portmarnock Educate Together Primary School
- Raheney. Killester Clontarf Educate Together Primary School
Applications must be received by the closing date specified for receipt of application.
Should the quota of girls for the year be exceeded by the above criteria the decision on intake shall be determined by a lottery of the above participants overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
If, after applying Criterion 3 there are still places remaining, Criterion 4 will be applied to the remaining applicants.
Criterion 4: If, after applying Criterion 1 through 3, there are still places remaining then the remaining applicants will be chosen by lottery overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
To fill the remaining places, subject to the resources available within the school places will be offered, in order of receipt of dated and completed application form by the closing date specified for receipt of applications.
If, after all the places have been allocated, there are students whose application form was on time, such applications will be put on top of the waiting list in the order in which they were received.
In the event that there are two or more students tied for a place or places in any of the selection criteria categories above (the number of applicants exceeds the number of remaining places), the following arrangements will apply:
Should there be two or more students tied for a place or places the decision on intake should be determined by a lottery overseen by Chairperson of the Board of Management, an Independent Observer and a member of Board of Management.
What will not be considered or taken into account
In accordance with section 62(7)(e) of the Education Act, the school will not consider or take into account any of the following in deciding on applications for admission or when placing a student on a waiting list for admission to the school:
- a student’s prior attendance at a pre-school or pre-school service, including naíonraí,
- the payment of fees or contributions (howsoever described) to the school;
- a student’s academic ability, skills or aptitude;
- the occupation, financial status, academic ability, skills or aptitude of a student’s parents;
- a requirement that a student, or her parents, attend an interview, open day or other meeting as a condition of admission; a student’s connection to the school by virtue of a member of her family attending or having previously attended the school; (other than, in the case of the school wishing to include a selection criterion based on (1) siblings of a student attending or having attended the school)
- the date and time on which an application for admission was received by the school,
This is subject to the application being received at any time during the period specified for receiving applications set out in the annual admission notice of the school for the school year concerned.
This is also subject to the school making offers based on existing waiting lists (up until 31st January 2025 only).
Decisions on applications
All decisions on applications for admission to St. Mary’s Secondary School will be based on the following:
- Our school’s admission policy
- The school’s annual admission notice (where applicable)
- The information provided by the applicant in the school’s official application form received during the period specified in our annual admission notice for receiving applications
(Please see section below in relation to applications received outside of the admissions period and section below in relation to applications for places in years other than the intake group.)
Selection criteria that are not included in our school admission policy will not be used to make a decision on an application for a place in our school.
Notifying applicants of decisions
Applicants will be informed in writing as to the decision of the school, within the timeline outlined in the annual admissions notice.
If a student is not offered a place in our school, the reasons why they were not offered a place will be communicated in writing to the applicant, including, where applicable, details of the student’s ranking against the selection criteria and details of the student’s place on the waiting list for the school year concerned.
Applicants will be informed of the right to seek a review/right of appeal of the school’s decision (see section 18 below for further details).
Acceptance of an offer of a place by an applicant
In accepting an offer of admission from St. Mary’s Secondary School you must indicate--
(i) Whether or not you have accepted an offer of admission for another school or schools. If you have accepted such an offer, you must also provide details of the offer or offers concerned and
(ii) Whether or not you have applied for and awaiting confirmation of an offer of admission from another school or schools, and if so, you must provide details of the other school or schools concerned.
Applicants should be aware that failure to disclose this information on the acceptance of a place may lead to an offer being withdrawn by the school.
Circumstances in which offers may not be made or may be withdrawn
An offer of admission may not be made or may be withdrawn by St. Mary’s Secondary School where:--
- It is established that information contained in the application is false or misleading.
- An applicant fails to confirm acceptance of an offer of admission on or before the date set out in the annual admission notice of the school.
- the parent of a student, when required by the principal in accordance with section 23(4) of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, fails to confirm in writing that the code of behaviour of the school is acceptable to him or her and that he or she shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with such code by the student; or
- An applicant has failed to comply with the requirements of ‘acceptance of an offer’ as set out in section 10 above.
Sharing of Data with other schools
Applicants should be aware that section 66(6) of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 allows for the sharing of data between schools in order to facilitate the efficient admission of students. Section 66(6) allows a school to provide a patron or another board of management with a list of the students in relation to whom:--
(i) An application for admission to the school has been received,
(ii) An offer of admission to the school has been made, or
(iii) An offer of admission to the school has been accepted.
The list may include any or all of the following:-
(i) The date on which an application for admission was received by the school;
(ii) The date on which an offer of admission was made by the school;
(iii) The date on which an offer of admission was accepted by an applicant;
(iv) A student’s personal details including his or her name, address, date of birth and personal public service number (within the meaning of section 262 of the Social Welfare Consolidation Act 2005).
Waiting list in the event of oversubscription
In the event of there being more applications to the school year concerned than places available, a waiting list of students whose applications for admission to St. Mary’s Secondary School were unsuccessful due to the school being oversubscribed will be compiled and will remain valid for the school year in which admission is being sought.
Placement on the waiting list of St. Mary’s Secondary School is in the order of priority assigned to the students’ applications after the school has applied the selection criteria in accordance with this admission policy.
Offers of any subsequent places that become available for and during the school year in relation to which admission is being sought will be made to those students on the waiting list, in accordance with the order of priority in relation to which the students have been placed on the list.
Late Applications
All applications for admission received after the closing date as outlined in the annual admission notice will be considered and decided upon in accordance with our school’s admissions policy, the Education Admissions to School Act 2018 and any regulations made under that Act.
Late applicants will be notified of the decision in respect of their application not later than three weeks after the date on which the school received the application. Late applicants will be offered a place if there is a place available. In the event that there is no place available, the name of the applicant will be added to the waiting list.
Procedures for admission of students to other years and during the school year
The procedures of the school in relation to the admission of students who are not already admitted to the school to classes or years other than the school’s intake group are as follows:
The school will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a student seeking a transfer to our school. Applicants must meet the school’s entry criteria and furnish a full and honest reason for seeking a place in St. Mary’s Secondary School.
The Board of Management will decide on an application for admission to any other year other than First Years by applying the following criteria.
The Board of Management will decide whether or not a transfer:
- Can be accommodated within current class size and subject options.
- Is in agreement with our Admissions Policy.
- Where a student is considered for a place, the decision will be taken by the Principal who will consult with the student’s parents/guardians, It will also be decided if such a place may be offered immediately or whether it would be better to defer transfer until the beginning of the next academic year.
The procedures of the school in relation to the admission of students who are not already admitted to the school, after the commencement of the school year in which admission is sought, are as follows:
Applicants must meet the school’s entry criteria. The Board of Management will decide whether or not the admission of the student
- Can be accommodated within current class size and subject options.
- Is in agreement with our Admissions Policy.
- Where a student is considered for a place, the decision will be taken by the Principal who will consult with the student’s parents/guardians,.
Declaration in relation to the non-charging of fees
The board of St. Mary’s Secondary School or any persons acting on its behalf shall not, except in accordance with section 64 of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018, charge fees for or seek payment or contributions (howsoever described) as a condition of:-
- An application for admission of a student to the school,
- The admission or continued enrolment of a student in the school.
Arrangements regarding students not attending religious instruction
This section must be completed by schools that provide religious instruction to students.
The following are the school’s arrangements for students, where the parents or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, who has requested that the student attend the school without attending religious instruction in the school. These arrangements will not result in a reduction in the school day of such students:
The operational restriction on the school require that Non-Participants in Religious Education remain within the classroom and complete study/prescribed work by the RE Department in an area of moral/spiritual/religious education which will be agreed upon by parents, School Management and the RE Department, in advance of the arrangement and have educational value for the development of the person.
Review of decisions by the board of Management
The parent of the student, or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, may request the board to review a decision to refuse admission. Such requests must be made in accordance with Section 29C of the Education Act 1998.
The timeline within which such a review must be requested and the other requirements applicable to such reviews are set out in the procedures determined by the Minister under section 29B of the Education Act 1998 which are published on the website of the Department of Education and Skills.
The board will conduct such reviews in accordance with the requirements of the procedures determined under Section 29B and with section 29C of the Education Act 1998.
Note: Where an applicant has been refused admission due to the school being oversubscribed, the applicant must request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to a reason other than the school being oversubscribed, the applicant may request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998.
Right of appeal
Under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998, the parent of the student, or in the case of a student who has reached the age of 18 years, the student, may appeal a decision of this school to refuse admission.
An appeal may be made under Section 29 (1) (c) (i) of the Education Act 1998 where the refusal to admit was due to the school being oversubscribed.
An appeal may be made under Section 29 (1) (c)(ii) of the Education Act 1998 where the refusal to admit was due a reason other than the school being oversubscribed.
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to the school being oversubscribed, the applicant must request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998. (Refer to Review of decisions by the Board of Management).
Where an applicant has been refused admission due to a reason other than the school being oversubscribed, the applicant may request a review of that decision by the board of management prior to making an appeal under section 29 of the Education Act 1998. (Refer to Review of decisions by the Board of Management).
Appeals under Section 29 of the Education Act 1998 will be considered and determined by an independent appeals committee appointed by the Minister for Education and Skills.
The timeline within which such an appeal must be made and the other requirements applicable to such appeals are set out in the procedures determined by the Minister under section 29B of the Education Act 1998 which are published on the website of the Department of Education and Skills.
Appendix 1
St. Mary’s Secondary School
Copies of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2022/23 school year are available as follows: –
To download at:
On request: By emailing [email protected] or writing to: St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle, Dublin 13.
- Application and Decision Dates for admission to 1st Year for 2022/23
The school will commence accepting applications for admission on
From the 1st October 2022
The school will cease accepting applications for
admission on 23 October 2022
Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision on their application by
By 13th November 2022
Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission by
By 27th November
Failure by an applicant to accept an offer by the may result in the offer being withdrawn.
2. Number of places being made available in the 2022/23 school year
The number of places being made available in 1st year is
The number of residential places is (boarding schools only)
The number of non-residential places is (boarding schools only)
The number of places being made available in the special class catering for students with [insert category or categories of SEN catered for in the special class] is
(If the school has more than one class that caters for different categories of SEN, details of the number of places for each of the classes must be provided.)
Number of places in 1st year for the 2022/23 school year which were offered and accepted before 1 February 2022
- The number of places for 1st year that were offered and accepted prior to the coming into operation of section 62 of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018 on 1 February 2022 is
- Breakdown of applications in the previous year (only required if the school was oversubscribed in the previous year)
- To date, St. Mary’s Secondary School has not been oversubscribed.
Appendix 2
St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle, Dublin 13
Code of Behaviour
Each Student has Respect for Self, Others and the Environment
Mission Statement
St. Mary's Secondary School for Girls, Baldoyle is a Catholic school under the care of the Sisters of Charity. We aim for high academic standards and emphasize the moral, religious and social development of each student in a caring community. We work in partnership with parents to prepare our students to be independent, tolerant and compassionate.
St. Mary's Secondary School seeks to create a school environment that encourages
the holistic development of each student within a caring Christian community. This vision is encapsulated in the school's mission statement which informs and directs all the activities within the school, including matters relating to school behaviour.
St. Mary’s Secondary School operates a Pastoral Care system that is aimed at creating a caring environment, enabling each student to become a self–disciplined, mature person. This will be achieved through co-operation, respect for self and others and accepting responsibility for one's own actions.
Effective learning requires a high level of concentration and participation on the part of students and the acceptance of school rules.
Positive Behaviour is highly Valued and Rewarded The school encourages positive behaviour through various awards:
- Commendation Awards – detailed below
- Leadership Initiatives
- Head Girl, Deputy Head Girl, Prefects, Class Prefects, Class Captains
- School Council
- Green School Committee
- Student Enterprise Awards
- Seachtain na Gaeilge Certificates
- Friendship Fortnight Prizes
- An Gaisce
- Mary Aikenhead Awards
- Attendance Certificates
- Merit and Excellence Certificates at end of year to each year group
- Academic Achievement Awards for each class subject in Sixth Year
- Senior Student of the Year award presented at end of year
- Junior Student of the Year award presented at the end of the year
- Sports Student of the Month
- Senior Sports Student of the Year
- Junior Sports Student of the Year
behaviour in our students and to compliment the Code of Behaviour.
Commendation Forms may be awarded to students in the following areas
Academic Achievement, for example
- Excellent Test
- Excellent Homework
- Marked improvement in work
- Excellent Project
- Sustained effort
- Flash of genius
- Excellent oral participation in class
- Improved attitude
- Catching up very quickly on missed work following an absence
- Individual achievements recorded in student's journal
Social, for example
- Volunteering to help out with an event
- Participating in an event
- Representing the school
- Participation in an event outside school but of benefit to the school.
- Organising an event
- Showing initiative
- Displaying a caring nature
- Respectfulness
- Helping another student
2. Monitoring Student Behaviour
Students are expected to behave responsibly at all times and obey the school rules which are explained in Appendix A
Misdemeanours will be dealt with in accordance with school disciplinary procedures.
Parental Support and Involvement
For discipline to be effective it is necessary to have the mutual support and involvement of parents/guardians, students and school authorities.
3. Sanctions
Breaches of school rules will be dealt with as appropriate and may include the following
Sanctions may begin at a later stage depending on the seriousness of the misdemeanour.
(i) Each student will have a Journal which allows parents/guardians and teachers to communicate quickly and easily.
When a student fails to respond or fails to comply with school rules, this may be recorded in the student's journal.
The unsatisfactory behaviour may also be recorded and kept on file by the Year Head.
(ii) Extra homework/schoolwork, lunchtime detention etc.
(iii) A Docket may be issued by the teacher for breaches of discipline and is used to monitor and record student mis-behaviour and disruption.
Three dockets may merit detention
One serious misdemeanour may merit immediate detention
- Truancy from class
- Verbal abuse of authority
- Bullying
Each teacher carries a triplicate book of dockets which shall be used to record details of student misdemeanours.
- A copy is given to the student involved to be signed by her parents/guardians and returned to the teacher the next day.
- The teacher places the signed copy in a box in the staff room for entry in the Docket Data Base.
- The teacher shall retain the third copy for reference purposes.
(iv) A period of Detention is held on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. and is supervised by staff.
Parents will receive a letter by post from the relevant Year Head confirming the detention and the date of the detention. The Year Head also verbally informs the student prior to the detention.
Students must attend Detention. Failure to attend will lead to further sanctions which may include suspension.
After a third detention, parents/guardians are invited to the school to meet with the Year Head.
If the above does not yield results, suspension may be necessary.
(v) Report:
When necessary, a student will be put “On Positive Behaviour Report” for a specified number of days or weeks by the Year Head, Deputy Principal or Principal and in consultation with the Form Teacher.
The student must present the “Report Document” to each teacher for comment. This is also signed by parents/guardians on a daily basis and monitored by the Year Head.
(vi) Refusal to follow an instruction by the Principal or Deputy Principal may lead to Suspension.
(vii) Suspension:
Suspension from class or school for a specified period may be sanctioned by the Principal and/or Board of Management.
In the case of gross misbehaviour, the Principal may sanction immediate suspension pending discussion with the parties concerned. In this case the parents/guardians will be contacted by phone and informed in writing of suspension. A student will be supervised until her parents/guardians have been informed and she has been collected from school by them.
Following a suspension
- Parents/Guardians might be asked attend with the student on her return to the school
- A Contract of Good Behaviour may be required in writing.
Further details are available in the Suspension Policy – see Appendix B
In accordance with section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, a decision of the the Principal to suspend a student may be appealed to the Board of Management. A decision by the Board of Management to suspend a student may be appealed to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science in accordance with the procedures of the Department.
The Principal will inform the Educational Welfare Officer if a student is suspended for a period of 6 days or more or if the suspension leads to a cumulative absence of 20 days or more in one school year.
(viii) Expulsion:
This is the ultimate sanction imposed by the school and is exercised by the Board of Management in extreme cases of indiscipline.
After consultation with the Board of Management, expulsion from the school will be considered for continuous serious misdemeanours or a single grave misdemeanour which threatens the safety and well-being of the school community
For further details, see Expulsion Policy – Appendix C
In accordance with section 29 of the Education Act, 1998, a decision of a Board of Management to expel a student may be appealed to the Secretary General of the Department of Education and Science in accordance with the procedures of the Department.
4. Evaluation and Review:
The policy is monitored on an-ongoing basis by Principal and Deputy Principal, Year Heads, Form Teachers and Staff.
The Code of Behaviour will be evaluated and reviewed at the end of each academic year or sooner if required.
5. List of Appendices
A School Rules
B Suspension Policy
C Expulsion Policy
D Issuing of Dockets Procedure
E Detention Procedures
F Mobile Phone Policy
G Homework Policy
H Anti Bullying Policy
I Late Policy
This policy will be reviewed every two years or sooner if deemed necessary.