An Triail
![]() Ms. Ni Chearbhaill's 6th Year Higher Level Irish students went to see a production of An Triall, on Friday 22 November 2013 in the Axis Theatre, Balllymun.
Léiríonn Fíbín ‘An Triail’ do dhaltaí Ardteiste ar bhealach nualach nach bhfuil a leithéid feicithe agat cheana. Baineann Fíbín úsáid as puipéid, teicnicí fhísiúla mhealltacha agus stíl fhisiciúil léiriúcháin chun tuiscint na mac léinn ar nádúr casta an dráma a shaibhriú. Fiosraíonn Fíbín na ceisteanna a bhíonn ag mic léinn agus múinteoirí faoin dráma tríd an bplota seanaimseartha a lonnú i gcomhtheacs na sochaí chomhaimseartha. Téann Fíbín thar dubh agus bán na cainte trí dul i ngleic le na deacrachtaí seo; ar bhealach tarraingteach, bríomhar agus greannmhar. Is í feidhm Fíbín ná oideachas ar bhealach siamsúil a chur ar fáil. Fíbín brings you its highly acclaimed version of the modern Irish classic, ‘An Triail’ for Leaving Cert. students - as you have never seen it before! Using puppets, masks, engaging visuals and a physical performance, Fíbín seeks to address issues highlighted by both teachers and students alike, by bringing a seemingly outdated plot into the context of modern society. This production goes beyond the black and white nature of the dialogue and helps to overcome these obstacles to learning in a snappy, engaging and humorous show. Fíbín’s aim - to educate and entertain! For further details see: … Twitter @axisBallymun |