First Year Friendship Day, 7 December 2022
Based in both the chapel and classroom, First Years had workshops on
The day is designed to be a bonding day with workshops designed to provided reflection, learning and mindfulness around friendship. The Friendship Day is part of our Wellbeing Programme . There will be follow up sessions during Religion classes
On the day, the girls enjoyed an extended lunch break with a lot of goodies provided. They also played bingo with some basic mathematical calculations involved.
- Defining Friendship
- Having and being a friend
- Friendships and Acquaintances
- Qualities we value
- Advice for making friends
The day is designed to be a bonding day with workshops designed to provided reflection, learning and mindfulness around friendship. The Friendship Day is part of our Wellbeing Programme . There will be follow up sessions during Religion classes
On the day, the girls enjoyed an extended lunch break with a lot of goodies provided. They also played bingo with some basic mathematical calculations involved.