Hairdressing Module
Week One
Salon Duties
Classes in Salon
Warm & Cool Tones
Knowing what Suits You
Week Two
Depth & Tones
How to identify your own colour base
Week Three
Wand Curls
Perm Rollers
Cap & Meche highlights.
Week Four
Week Five
- Introduction to hairdressing:
Salon Duties
Classes in Salon
- Consultation:
Warm & Cool Tones
Knowing what Suits You
- How To Apply Tint Colours
Week Two
- Colour Keys
Depth & Tones
How to identify your own colour base
- Using meche for highlights & technique’s
- Practical work on dolls head with meche.
Week Three
- Fashion techniques for colouring and highlighting and styling.
- Practical Work on Dolls Head
Wand Curls
Perm Rollers
Cap & Meche highlights.
Week Four
- Cutting and Styling D.V.D
- Practical Work on Dolls Heads
Week Five
- Hands On